
Monday, September 27, 2010

Brown Butter Sea Salt Rice Krispy Treats

Don't let this unassuming picture fool you.  These are not the Rice Krispy Treats of your youth.  These are the sexy grown-up version of that classic...and by sexy and grown-up, I mean totally, insanely, ridiculously luscious!  I cannot adequately put into words how much I want you to try these.  Treat yourself with these treats.  Just do it.  Pleeassseeeee!!!!

  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 bag marshmallows (10.5 oz)
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 6 slightly over flowing cups rice krispy cereal
Spray a 9x13 baking dish with non-stick spray, set aside.
In a large bowl, gently toss together sea salt and rice krispy cereal. Set aside.
To brown butter, heat in a pot over medium-low heat. Continue stirring after butter is melted. It will eventually begin to foam, then turn a brown color and smell nutty. Stay with the butter and stir occasionally so it does not burn. The time it takes from browned butter to turn burned butter is under a minute, so watch it carefully. When butter has browned, remove from heat and add marshmallows. Stir quickly so that marshmallows melt into the butter. If need be, you can replace over low heat to assist the melting. Once smooth and thoroughly combined, add vanilla, and stir to incorporate.
Pour butter/marshmallow mixture over top of sea salt/rice krispy mixture. Working quickly, stir to coat and combine evenly. Press mixture into baking dish and let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes before cutting into squares. Clear your schedule and take a bite....you will be there a while!

Recipe adapted (aka tweaked) from Baking Serendipity who adapted from Smitten Kitchen

This recipe has been linked to:
Nikkis Nifty Knacks
Prairie Story
Tidy Mom
Simply Sweet Home
Frou Frou Decor
Mommy's Kitchen


  1. These sound absolutely delicious! I love the brown butter part and would have never thought about doing this, although I have used brown butter in other things! Can't wait to try this recipe!

  2. I love making grown-up Rice Krispies! My fave is to chop up salted cashews and soft caramel candies and stir it into the cereal. Then I sprinkled some sea salt on top. Keep them away from the kids!

  3. I just adore you Siggy! - seriously I do. You have such a great out-look on life AND you offer us (in blog land) sexy adult rice crispy squares!!!! My goodness how lucky am I! I will be making these treasures ASAP! :-)

  4. I'm so making this...I was going to buy Rice Krispies anyways for making Krispy Chicken! YAY! A two-fer!

  5. Very interesting, I have never even made RC treats b4

  6. This was truly excellent!! I'm not exaggerating in the slightest way. It's the salt. I could eat the whole thing because of the salt.

  7. What a seriously cool twist on an old favourite - thanks for sharing!!

  8. We never get to old for Rice Krispies Treats. Your recipe is great.
    Thank you for sharing.

  9. Found your blog through links! Love your blog!
    If you ever need new recipes or want to be featured..than please come become a follower to see daily updates and email us if you would like us to feature you!!!

  10. They certainly look good. Rice Krispy treats are one of my favorites! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

  11. I've heard about how brown butter really amps up the flavor of Rice Krispie treats. One of these days, I'm going to try this out so I can taste it for myself.

  12. Great idea to add sea salt! I'll definitely have to try that next time.

  13. OMG, that sounds like sex on a plate. Will be trying it this weekend!

  14. Honestly, I didn't think anything could be better than these rice krispy treats, but today I added 1 cup of white choc chips as I was melting the marshmallows...! And I really mean "!" :-)

  15. I put in the ginger bread men marshmallows

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
