
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Trader Joe's Holiday YUMMIES for my VERY 1st GIVEAWAY!!!

There are three types of "Joe" people... 
1 - Those who know Joe....and visit Joe often....and LOVE Joe.
2 - Those who don't know Joe, who may or may not have heard of him. 
3 - Those who knew Joe at some point in their life, but moved to a "Joe-less" place, but are more than happy to hook up whenever they go back to the old stomping ground.

Luckily for you, THIS giveaway is for all three types of Joe's people.  I, for the record, was group 1, then group 3, and happily again group 1.  I simply LOVE Trader Joe's!  I love to try out all the luscious, yummy things they get in seasonally.  I love even more calling my Mom (who only knows Joe through me) and taunting explaining to her what amazing new product I just tried. 
So, there was never any doubt that for my 1st GIVEAWAY, I would share some of my favorite Joe items with YOU!  Take a closer look at what one lucky winner will receive....
Really Big Gingerbread Man Kit
Fleur de Sel Caramel Sauce.  Also known as HEAVEN on a spoon!  PERFECT for a million things...in fact I add a spoonful of it, along with a pinch of salt to some hot chocolate for a knock off version of a certain Sea Salt Caramel Hot Chocolate at the place that rhymes with Shmarbucks.
Wine Crackers.  These perfect, slightly vanilla-y crackers ARE delightful with wine OR coffee.
Mulling Spice.  Two words....Mulled Wine.  It is also perfectly lovely for Mulled Cider for the non-wine crowd.
Salted Caramel Butter Cookies with chocolate....'nuff said.
Speaking of chocolate...Dark Chocolate After Dinner Mints.
All lovingly packaged in this super-cute, eco-friendly re-useable grocery bag. 
How do you win these spectacular bag-o-yummies you ask?  Let me tell you....on Monday, December 6th, I will use the Random Number Generator to pick a number from the comments in this post.  Cut-off for entries will be Sunday, December 5th at midnight, East Coast time.  Since my I like to up the odds for you, there are several ways you can get entries:
  • Leave a comment letting me know which one of these treats will be the first visitor to your mouth.
  • Become a FOLLOWER of Siggy Spice.  Simply hit the "follow" button to the right and then come back and leave ANOTHER comment letting me know that you are a new OR existing follower.
  • "LIKE" Siggy Spice on Face Book.  Follow the link on this page to go to the Siggy Spice Face Book page, and click "like".  Then, come back here and leave ANOTHER comment to let me know that you are a new OR existing fan on Face Book.
  • Link to this giveaway on your Face Book, Twitter, or Blog (or all three) and come back and leave ANOTHER comment letting me know you did so.  If you do all 3, leave 3 comments for each way you re-posted this.
  • Annnddd, I might (wink, wink) slip another (or two) way to get entries on the Face Book page and in my upcoming posts this week.
Just to be clear, if you want to lick the Caramel Sauce off a spoon immediately, become (or are) a follower on Siggy Spice, become (or are) a fan on the Siggy Spice Face Book page, and link this giveaway on your Face Book page, then you need to give me 4 separate comments on this post to let me know each way you got an entry.  The Random Number Generator will only see number of comments.

Just as a small side note, this giveaway is only available for those that live in the US. 
Trader Joe's did not provide any of the merchandise for this give away, nor did they sponsor it in any way.  All they know me as is the crazy lady who is constantly chasing after 3 kiddos who are hitting people with the mini shopping carts while looking for the SQUIRREL!

Again, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for your support over the last hundred posts!

MUCH love to you all - xoxo


This post has been linked at:
Mommy's Kitchen
Nikki's Nifty Knacks
Tidy Mom
Simply Sweet Home
Frou Frou Decor


  1. We don't have Trader Joe's. Yum! I am following you!

  2. I think 1st we would do the gingerbread man kit :)
    Kim York

  3. I would try the dark chocolate after dinner mints first.

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  4. I follow your blog.

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  5. I am a new facebook fan (Mari Doug).

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  6. I would like to try the after dinner mints yum yum!

  7. I would dive into those caramel butter cookies first. Fun giveaway!

  8. I was one of the original followers AND use your recipes all the time! :)

  9. I think I am going to have to try a spoonful of caramel first...... haven't had that yet.

  10. I always thought I was a follower, but just in case I did it again. :-)

  11. um. chocolate please :)

  12. i follow you via google reader... if that counts for anything ;)

  13. Oh I was just at Trader Joe's with my husband and we were oohing and ahhing over the yummy items that they had brought in recently. Many you have mentioned. I think that the first item I would go for is the Salted Caramel Butter Cookies with chocolate.

  14. I am a new follower of your cute blog.
    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  15. I've just recently begun shopping at Joe's. LOVE IT!! I have a little boy who loves to bake, so we would try the gingerbread man kit first. Thank you!

  16. That caramel sauce looks AWESOME!

  17. Love TJ's and visit one whenever I can! I would definitely be holding out those salted caramel cookies for myself....oh yum!

  18. Preety sure I would have a spoonful of the caramel sauce first! :)

  19. I'm one of your existing followers! Wonderful first giveaway! I wish I had a Trader Joe's!

  20. I miss Trader Joe's there are none out here and I eat the salted carmel cookies.

  21. I fall under I know who joe is but have yet to visit one. They don't have one in my area in Texas. The salted caramel butter cookies look really good.

  22. existing facebook fan :) and the second thing we would try is the yummy sounding salted caramel butter cookies...yum yum
    kim york

  23. Hi linkied your page to my facebook for all to see ;)....thinking third I would try the cider...warm and yummy..
    kim york

  24. WOW! this sounds amazing-- it's a tough choice but I would pick the wine crackers, yum!!! also, I'm already a follower :)


  25. Um...chocolate salted caramel butter cookies? Sounds like heaven! They would definitely go into my tummy first!

  26. Also, I'm a follower! Because, really, I need to spend more time thinking about food :P

  27. I follow you on facebook.

  28. I would probably nibble on those wine crackers first because I love my wine.

  29. I would try the caramel butter cookies, I mean...caramel...butter cookies...no question!

  30. I'm not having any luck posting comments. Maybe it will work this time. I'm a fb follower!

  31. Oh, and I love the look of those cookies. No Trader Joe's near me so would love to try it all!!!

  32. It all looks good as nearest Trader Joe's is 9 hours away... :P The mulling spice looks good...it all looks very yummy! Trader Joe's is the best!! I'm a follower.

  33. I follow you on Facebook, too!

  34. Hopin' and prayin' I win! I'm Joeless, but have always wanted to get acquainted with him! I can't decide between the Gingerbread man and the mulling spices, so maybe I'll drink a cup of hot cider with the mulling spices while I make my Gingerbread man??

  35. I've been a Facebook Fan for a while, and I "liked" you post there about this giveaway :O)

  36. I would try the caramel sauce first!


  37. I am a follower of Siggy Spice


  38. I am a fan on your facebook page


  39. I have shared this not only on my facebook but also on my blog


  40. The after dinner mints would be the first to go. Great giveaway!

  41. Dark chocolate dinner mints. Yummy! We just got our first Trader Joes in Maine last month - it's so exciting!

  42. I would love the caramel sauce.


  43. My goodness what a giveaway!!! - treats from Trader Joe's!!!!! I can imagine myself making the ginger bread boys and dipping them in the caramel sauce....YUM!!!!

  44. most definitely the first in my mout would be the Dark Chocolate After Dinner Mints! yummy!

  45. Pecan Pie -- Love to keep up with you Siggy! LaVell

  46. I am a #3 unfortunately and would definitely hit the caramel sauce first. No doubt!

  47. I liked you on Facebook!

  48. I am now a follower!

  49. This is Trudi whats a URL??? anyway i am a follower and Love this blog Yummy stuff here!! and PECAN PIE!! I think I would like the carmel sauce on bread pudding!!

  50. I don't even like *pecan pie, but that recipe looked ah-maz-ing!

  51. I am a follower and LOVE my Siggy Spice recipes! I'd try the wine crackers first!!

  52. salted caramel butter cookies- yum!

  53. I would like the gingerbread man to eat first, I've been craving gingerbread!

  54. I posted a link to the giveaway on facebook.

  55. I am a new follower! It's the caramel sauce for me!

  56. Well we are nuts about Gingerbread men in this house so the kids would go crazy for that! While Mommy tastes that caramel sauce that is...

  57. I so wish I had a trader joes near me! Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  58. The salted caramel butter cookies. I was a #1 and now I am a #3:( So sad. This summer when my family and I drove the 25 hours back to #1 land we bought 4 bags of groceries to bring home to #3 land. I'm still nursing my last tin of chai.

  59. Despite the fact that I just met you, I am now following you:)

  60. I now have the power to stalk you on FB.

  61. I would love to try the mulling spices for mulled wine.

    SRKechter at yahoo dot com

  62. I follow you on the blog

    SRKechter at yahoo dot com

  63. I am a fan on facebook


  64. pecan pie


  65. Hmm, those after dinner mints are definitely calling my name. We don't have a Trader Joe's here, but would LOVE to have one!

  66. I'm also a follower on Facebook :)

  67. I think I would layer them all up and BITE except for the bag, that would NOT be a good idea!

  68. I am an existing follower on Blog!!! <3 this site

  69. I am in Hawaii, husband is Active Duty, and I would love if we could get a Trader Joe's here! I know what your thinking, 'she's in Hawaii' but come on ... Trader Joe's here would be awesome!

  70. Salted Caramel Butter cookies. Like you said...nuff said;)

  71. I would definitely eat a spoonful of the caramel sauce!

  72. I'm gonna eat Gingie first! ;)I am from CA, now live in CO without a Joe's. Very sad!! But, everytime I am home for a visit I shop!!

    Dee Dee Griffin

  73. I would try the caramel sauce first, maybe over pecan pie!!


  74. I would first try those chocolate and caramel butter cookies!

    Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites! Hope to see you again this week! Also, I'd like to invite you to my Holly Bloggy Christmas Recipe Party next Thursday!
