
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

THE Pecan Pie with Whiskey Maple Cream Sauce

She said it was the pie that would make you cry...and she was right. 
THIS pie was THE highlight of our Thanksgiving feast.  It was just perfect....and the sauce.  Holy guacamole Batman!  This sauce was completely divine and I am squeezing my squishy brain to find out what else I can drizzle it over...bread pudding....pumpkin cheesecake....toast. 
It was immediately requested to come back at Christmas, or Tuesday, which ever comes first.
Seriously guys, give this one a try!

Pecan Pie with Whiskey Maple Cream Sauce
recipe adapted from  Pioneer Woman

  • 1 whole unbaked pie crust.  Make your own or take some help from the store.  I used Trader Joe's frozen pie crust, cuz that's how I roll...
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 3 TBSP brown sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 cup dark karo syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • ⅓ cups butter (salted), melted
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1 heaping cup chopped Pecans.  I found the chopped pecans made a HUGE difference!
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix sugar, brown sugar, salt, corn syrup, butter, eggs, and vanilla together in a bowl.
Pour chopped pecans in the bottom of the unbaked pie shell.
Pour syrup mixture over the top. Cover top and crust lightly/gently with foil and bake for 40 minutes. Remove foil, then continue baking for 20 minutes, being careful not to burn the crust or pecans.
NOTE: PIE SHOULD NOT BE OVERLY JIGGLY WHEN YOU REMOVE IT FROM THE OVEN. If it shakes a lot, cover with foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes or until set.

Whiskey Maple Cream Sauce
recipe from Pioneer Woman

  • 1-½ cup Heavy Cream
  • 5 TBSP pure Maple Syrup. NOT Mrs. Butterworths...REAL Maple Syrup!
  • 3 TBSP light Corn Syrup
  • 1 TBSP Whiskey (can Add More If Desired)

Combine cream, maple syrup, and corn syrup in a saucepan and stir to combine. Cook over medium-low to medium heat, stirring constantly, for 15 minutes or until sauce is reduced and thick (sauce should bubble slightly as it’s cooking.)
When sauce is thick, remove from heat and stir in whiskey. Return to heat for a couple of minutes, stirring constantly.
Pour into a container and refrigerate until completely chilled. Stir before serving

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And now, for the moment you have all been waiting for...for an extra entry for the super yummy Trader Joe's giveaway, click HERE and leave the super secret word "PECAN PIE" in the comments section!

This recipe is linked to:
Nikki's Nifty Knacks
Simply Sweet Home
Tidy Mom
Frou Frou Decor
Mommy's Kitchen


  1. Well, now it is Wednesday....have you made it again yet? LOVE your review on this pie - it had caught my eye when PW first posted it. Now I've got to make it with your encouragment!!! :-)

  2. Oh I am in love, thanks for sharing

  3. That sounds like absolute heaven! Forget about the diet, I'm making this as soon as my new kitchen is put together!!!

  4. So jealous that you made this! I loved the Thanksgiving Throwdown, I think they need to do a Christmas one too!

  5. YUM!!!!!! Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  6. Oh yum! I saw this on Food Network, & wanted to make it - and now I have been reminded of how desperately I need to eat this soon!

  7. Oh man, that looks amazing! I bet tehta sauce would be good on almost anything...

  8. That maple cream sauce adds a whole dimension of yum! Very nice :)

  9. Oh yum! I've never seen a pecan pie with a cream sauce before! Wow!

    Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites! Hope to see you again this week! Also, I'd like to invite you to my Holly Bloggy Christmas Recipe Party next Thursday!

  10. OMG, I just copied this recipe. It's the perfect dessert for Thanksgiving or as you said, "Tuesday."
    Thanks much.
    Blessings, Barbara
