Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hump-Day Confessional

photo courtesy of stock.xchng
I have to admit, I am LOVING the Hump-Day Confessionals! I love sharing bits-o-me and LOVED hearing your confessional as well! So, come on, join the fun and confess some fun/serious/quirky/scary/fabulous things about yourself!

I confess...We are moving in less than 60 days. Our adventure in Raleigh has come to a close and I honestly could not be happier about it. I really did not like it here. I never really plugged in here. We opened ourselves up to where we should move next. We have been beaten about the head with signs that we should move to Austin.

I confess...I believe in signs with all my soul.

I confess...I have about 4 loads of laundry folded on my dining room table waiting to be put away. It has been there for 2 days.

I confess...My. Ears. Are. Still. Freaking. Plugged. I am so over it.

I confess...I was so very sad to tell my daughter's teacher yesterday that we were moving. She was the ONE person I dreaded telling. I will never be able to find the words to tell her how very much she has meant to us. I think she should just move to Austin too!

Your turn!

This post is linked up at:
New on U Monday Confessionals


  1. I love you for your laundry procrastination.

  2. Thanks for linking up!

    Good luck with your move - we've never been to Austin but have heard such amazing things that it's on our list of prospects for one day. I hope you love it!

  3. Austin is amazing! I love living here and there is so much to experience and you will have lots to blog about :)
    Farmer's Markets, great food trucks, amazing places to eat and so much more!!

    Welcome to Austin!

  4. Austin is going to be a good fit..I just know it!!! What I also know is I LOVE C's shirt!!!!
